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What is the best way to fix Generic Host Process for Win32 Services?

What is Generic Host?  I have found error Win32 Services has encountered and needs to close. What is the best way to fix the problem?

Charles Wilson

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How to solve Internet Explorer Script Error? After startup my Windows XP I found following error:

An error has occurred in the script on this page. It’s possible to fix the problem?

Richard Miller

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Hi all,

I want to convert an XLS file to XML file automatically.

i am doing this by using manual method like in this code.

Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Sheets sheets = theWorkbook.Worksheets;
    Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet worksheet = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet)sheets.get_Item(1);
       range = worksheet.UsedRange;

                for (rcnt = 1; rcnt <= range.Rows.Count; rcnt++)

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Hello there,

I am greatly suffering from connectivity & restarting problem. When I start my laptop if my laptop is not connected with my Qubee internet modem then it restarts after connecting the modem. But if modem is connected before starting the computer then it does not restart. I am...

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I am making a complex application of image processing in Visual Studio 2010.

I want to have a layering effect in my Application just like in Photoshop.

Just like this, so that users can click on each layer and edit it accordingly.

Do I have to...

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I am using Visual studio 2010 and i have installed SAP crystal reports.
I am using crystal report viewer to show reports, one type of reports at a time(which includes multiple pages).
Now the problem is i want to show multiple type reports(Don't confuse it with multiple page report)...

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Hi there,

I am a married man with 2 kids. As they grew, they start using the internet.
I want to bind them to specific websites and block unethical sites, especially some indecent websites.
Is it possible to do this on my desktop? If yes, then how can...

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Hi All,

I am using both Linux and windows OS, but mostly I have to use Windows OS. Is it possible to have multiple desktops in Windows Platform in Windows, just like in Linux.

Do I have to install a theme to have such effect or do I have to use...

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i am using window 7 on HP Compaq 610 with core 2 Duo processor.

 I want to increase my system shared video memory.  My system adapter settings are as follow:

How to change the shared system memory of the computer?  

Is it possible to change or i have...

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I am a new software developer, i am using C# to build programs, actually my problem is little bit complicated,

Actually i want to change the color of Column Header in DataGridView,

Here is the dataGridView,

I want to change the color of the column header of the...

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