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Hi dear,

Need help about this problem.

NetBeans IDE Installer

Java SE Development Kit (JDK) was not found on this computer.

JDK 6 or JDK 5 is required for installing the NetBeans IDE. Make sure that the JDK is properly installed and run installer again. You can specify valid...

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Hi dear,

I am doing work in Java for this purpose I use tool NetBeans but I receive this error in this tool please provide me help why this error appear.

Warning – Form Loaded With Errors

Error occurred in loading the form data. It is not recommended...

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Hi dear,

I am doing work in Java for this purpose I use tool NetBeans but I receive this error in this tool please provide me help why this error appear.

NetBeans IDE – Warning

            Warning – could not install some modules:

            Java – The module Java...

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Lease Lines vs. MPLS: Which is Best for Optimum Network Connectivity? In this column, we will tackle two major forms of network connectivity: the Leased Lines and the MPLS. The fundamental concepts for both Leased line and MPLS technologies are used to connect multiple pisions in order to facilitate access and...

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Hi dear,

I install driver for Ulead Video Studio but why this error appear again and again In Adobe Illustrator.

Either no video capture driver is installed in this system or no device is connected

Ulead VideoStudio Movie Wizard

Either no video capture driver is installed in this system,...

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Hi dear,

Why this error appear again and again In Adobe Illustrator.

Adobe Illustrator-Licensing for this product has stopped working-error 6

Licensing for this product has stopped working.

This product has encountered a problem requires

that you restart your computer before it can be launched.

If you...

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Hi dear,

I am feeling very strange error in adobe Illustrator. I am using this software from previous 2 year but I don’t see such type of error before it and I don’t know its solution so for solution I post this question at this site. Please provide me good...

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I am using Windows Xp in my laptop. But today it is suddenly shut down. I don't know what's the problem actually. When i open my laptop it is ok, but after a few time it 's automatically shut down. There is no message shown before shutting down. The...

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Hi dear,

Why this problem appears again and again in Adobe Illustrator.

I try to install this program again and again, but same problem occurs please tell me its solution.

I provide complete error detail below for your understanding.

Adobe Illustrator

Can’t open the Illustrator. The Illustrator contains as incomplete...

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Hi dear,

I am poor people and can't afford given system but i want to use this program in my system please tell me its lower version so that i can do same work at lower version that can install in my system. My system is Pentium 3.

Adobe Bridge-This...</p> <br/><br/><a href=Read more