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Hi techyv experts,

I am posting here my problem using Microsoft Excel. I received an error message when I am in the process of saving my work.

File in Use is locked for editing

File in Use

is locked for editing Read Only

by ‘another user’ Notify

Open ‘Read-Only’ or click...

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Hello to all readers,

I have a problem exporting the reports generated by SAP to Microsoft Excel. Whenever I import my report, Microsoft Excel XL reporter rejects my report.

XL Report

Security setting in Microsoft Excel prohibits XL Reporter from running

For more information, click Help.

I've been doing this task...

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Hi techyv people, I am sharing here an amazing error message, I experience this while I was using our inventory application, all of a sudden an error message appeared, its message was Windows cannot find the file. Would you like some wine instead ?

Windows cannot find...

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Hi guys,

I have a problem with my Autodesk Inventor Simulation 2009, while I was using the application and saving my file. Autodesk Inventor Simulation 2009 stopped and displayed an error message, the error message stated that it could not append the file that I am trying to update, I...

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I need help. The System Restore cannot restore. The updates are the same. Please help.

Windows XP 2000

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Good Day to all, I am sharing here with an experience that needs some comments from you guys, I am using Microsoft Visual Basic, while I was doing some implementation of an interface on a class that has broken compatibility, I meet an error generated by the compiler, please...

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I have this Windows Eudora in my computer, since I am using this for some of my clients for the emails. I was opening an email with Eudora but an error message appears. It happens for already 1 week since this errpr shows up.

Here is an image of error:

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Hi buddies, I am posting here an issue I encountered while opening an Excel file. I pasted below the error message for reference.

Microsoft Office Excel

A  DDE error has occurred and a description of the error cannot be displayed because it is too long.

If the filename...

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Hi Techyv people,

While I was working on my inventory encoding task using an application build from Microsoft Access, I met an error message when I saved my work. Please refer below for more details of the error message.

Change the data in the field or fields that contain duplicate data

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Hello friends,

I have an issue here that needs some help from you experts. I met an error while doing my documentation work under Microsoft Office Groove. I pasted below the whole screen shot of the error message for a better view of my problem.


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