What does error 0x8007003a mean? What are the causes of this error? What are the steps to fix this error manually, as well as automatically?
I am using a Dell laptop with Windows 7. My laptop suddenly crashed and when I try to start it, it shows the error windows cannot connect group policy client service. If someone knows the solution to this problem, […]
Hello, mentioned the defraggler disk health warning and the supported OS for the same and thanks you so much for the solutions too and revert soon.
For a pipeline with “n” stages, what's the ideal throughput? What prevents us from achieving this ideal throughput?
I'm new to Linux; in fact, I started to use it before six months. So, I want help with extract command. I want to extract .tar.bz2 to a certain folder using a shell. I'm using the command “tar -jxvf […]
I have Lenovo PC with Windows 7 32 bit. When I try to open a movie my computer restarts. It doesn't give any notification or warning, it just crashes. What is the problem with my PC?
I am unable to open my AOL email account, Facebook and bank account on my computer which operates with Windows vista.
The problem started after I updated the Windows Vista.
I tried logging into the […]
I am experiencing problems with my CDRW/DVD; it won’t play DVD’s. I think the problem is about lack of a suitable driver for it. I am operating with Windows XP Home Service Pack 2. Can someone please let me Kno […]
I need to create a speedy moving video file such as stop motion video with 11800 small jpeg files. When I have tried to do it with Windows Movie Maker, it could not be able to handle bulk data and hanged the […]