In your own technical view, what will be your best ever word processing application for Mac user? I would also like to know your best five word processing apps for Apple Computers ever. What are the distinct […]
Do you share the same view with the group of people that do state that Samsung is crazy in that they are scared of the iPhone 6s and that is why they are planning of coming up with the new smartphones? I would […]
Which phone can be considered as the first USB type-C in the world today? What are the distinct features of this gadget? Why would you consider it as the first model of a USB type-C? Apart from first model has […]
Which of the social media platform best promotes digital intimacy? What are some of the special features that promote such act? What also makes this particular platform so special from other social media […]
What are the significant features of an Android M as compared to Android Lollipop? Which of these two would be arguably the Google’s best new design and interface released? Are there any special features of A […]
What are your views on the introduction of Periscope for Android smartphones and tablets by Twitter? What are some of the interesting features surrounding this new streaming app for Android users by twitter? […]
Hello, Franca Anim is my name, a second year Law student from Ghana. Is there any application software by Android App Developers which help to detect faults and also assists in replacing damaged parts of […]
Why would Facebook squash the European privacy regulations via tracking their customers online without any consented agreement? Could this act by the American Technological Company affect their productive […]
How fully equipped are the International Space Stations? What are the standard criteria for a space station to meet an international standard? Which of the renowned International Space Stations are best fully […]
Is it possible to share Internet connectivity with my Samsung Tab 3 from my HP laptop? I wish to perform this task via by laptop serving as a Wi-Fi hotspot instead of my smartphone serving such task or purpose? […]
What are MicroTugs? What would make a tiny robot can pull up weights of objects known to be over a thousand times heavier than its weight? What would call for such technological development and what will make […]
Hello, my name is Johnson. My friend and I are working on a project and we are currently at the verge of conducting an index search in a tall list of objects. As part of the search we seek to know if it is […]
Considering HTC One M9 and Sony Xperia Z3, which of these two smartphones has greater and special features with respect to size, model, and pixels of the camera phone? In terms of the various weather conditions […]
I would like to know what a Hub is and how did Hubs come about? What are the major functional roles of Hubs in computer networking? Why is it said that Hub cannot filter network traffic? Are Hubs still relevant […]
Is there a body composition analyzer tailor-made for pediatric patients? I am in search of a machine or device that can provide an instantaneous analysis of a child’s fitness and health status as well as k […]
What can I do to stop an Android, iPhone and Windows from frequent automatic restating? Can one be assisted with a detailed procedures and measures to follow keenly in order to prevent applications of Android, […]
What causes a phone or tablet to heat up apart from the numbers of phone applications running at a given time? What are some of the conditions that contribute to phone or tablets heating up? My name is Jenifer […]
What is a Fiber Channel SAN? What are its advantages over direct attached storage? Why are they increasingly gaining popularity with regard to corporate storage needs? What are the limitations of […]
Twitter and Facebook have fallen victims to Denial of service (DOS) attacks already and so has the White House official website. What can I do to protect my website against a DOS attack? What is […]
Crime ware as a service (CaaS) is said to be the next big thing in the world of Web security. What is CaaS all about? How are the perpetrators of CaaS any different from the ordinary hacker? Why […]
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