How can i change the orientation of YOUTUBE Videos?
It's a mobile video uploaded to youtube play in upside vew
How can i recover my windows logging password which i lost forever which i cannot open for a three months
I want some java script code for stationery item sale and print in automatic calculations for offline use
Please some one may helpfor that ?
When I try to open my laptops webcam, it shows the message there is no hardware, software and reinstall with disk but I can't get any disk with my laptop. Where will I get software ?
How can i lost […]
How can I reinstall system 32 files ?
When I open the computer shows the below message
Windows could not start because the following file is missing
Are corrupt:
Windows root > system 3 […]
My system is open normally and run 10 to 20 minutes shows there is no display but the back ground music and sound we can here with earphone.
What will i do for this error?
My Printer is Cannon MF 4320d series Ian using it for 3 years Recently I refilled cartridge it doesn't work Properly.
I sent it into canon service center. After two week they give back . Photo copy and […]
How can i format C Drive ? Step by step details. My C drive is almost full off with program files & personal Data. I moved some files to other drives but after formatting they didn't work properly.
Hai ,
Please can anyone share their knowledge about this and what software or program needed to make this system work.
How to create a internet timer & internet usage viewer on Desktop?
How can we publish our site into internet?
process of hosting ,maintain and updating
Please try this
In the MS word window —–>View menu—–>Select Task Pane
Getting started window will appear
Then select Clipboard from it
Click on options […]
My printer is MF4320d from Canon
Scanning didn’t work normally
Only get black and white output
How can I overcome this Problem?
Printing and photocopy is working in good condition
It is just two years to buy LG laptop. After 1.5 years it become too many time to charge the battery. I am replacing the battery through the service center. Now again this problem arises.
How can I […]
I can get internet in mobile. I am already installed Nokia PC suite for my system
Contacts, photos, messages are also synced between devices
Which settings are needed to add for net connection?
In the new page word window, select table menu
Select —–>insert—–> table
Insert table dialogue box appears.
Select the number of columns and rows you wan […]
1. First of all, you want to set your page and its margins.
In the file menu, select page set up.
In the page setup, a dialog box click on margin tab.
Select the margins you want in le […]
Yes, you can move multiple folders from one place to another.
You can select more than one folder by Ctrl + Click or click and dragging one or more items.
When you select more than on […]
Yes, you can have it by right click the mouse which web page you want
Select > View Page Source
In the Notepad Window press Ctrl+A in the keyboard to select all the documents
Press Ctrl +C […]