My brother and I are trying to install new Windows on our computer because the old one got corrupted. During the installation, we keep getting the error windows error code 0x8007025d. We cannot figure out how to […]
Today while solving a problem I got stuck while finding out the cube root of -125. What is the sign of a cube root of a negative number? Also, I am also curious whether the number will be a real number or not?
“Your mailbox is almost fulled”. I have been receiving this message lately. Available size Total size 1887mb 2387mb. Please reduce your mailbox size. Delete the items that are not required or of no use. What […]
I want a new anti-virus scanner. What software should I prefer? What about the ESET online scanner review on Windows? Is it good? Should I use it?
Hi, I'm spending most of the time surfing internet and moving from a browser to another, websites that work fine with ie don't work well with Firefox, others work with chrome but not with Firefox or […]
Hello everyone,
I have an Android phone. I can't sort out my gallery. I want to know how android gallery sort order be changed. Please tell me in details about it.
Hi guys,
I have an adwords account in Google. Yesterday night I downloaded the adwords price calculator after search. I am not able to use it because I am new here. Can somebody tell me how I can get […]
Hi All,
Some of my autocad files have corrupted by unknown reason and I can not open them. I copied them from a PC which is full of virus. But I need them urgently. So can anyone give me any way of a […]
Hello Experts,
I am working on multi resolution formats. I am searching for the best image tile compiler because I already tried many image tile compilers available on line. But they did to give better […]
How does the game Face Manager for Windows 7 works? How can it control my system and how can I install it?
How does Game Face Manager for win 7 work in EA Sports FIFA 13, Will I be able to create a virtual version of myself using that, so that it like I am playing the Football in EA Sports FIFA 13.
How to convert swf to mp4 with Linux? I need a secure software application which is supported by Linux operating system. I have many swf files that needs to be converted into .mp4 extension. I […]
Hi to everyone,
How to repeat video on Mac realplayer? This is my first time to handle and use Mac operating system and I need some guidance along the way. How can I rewind or repeat a specific area […]
How to properly use audio player with virtual speakers? Could it be possible that Windows 7 starter operating system will offer a built in update regarding virtual speakers for my Hp Compaq […]
Hello fellows,
All about how to make sliding puzzle in flash as2. I already collected 10 pictures for my sliding puzzle project using flash as2 software application. Would you mind sharing some of […]
How to export PDF to crystal report?
I am not familiar about crystal reports, would you mind explaining some important detail about crystal report as well as its purpose and how does it […]
Hello friends,
How to create css image reflection dreamweaver? Dreamweaver is the best software to use for automatic html and css table and division creation. But I am not that good in terms of CSS coding […]
Hello fellows,
I would like to ask if how to remove tags on pdfs? Pdf files are very useful nowadays specially when making business reports. I was assigned to edit some pdf report for this month and some […]
Hello fellows,
I need some information about grp file converter. The company has twenty grp files that need to be converted in to CSV or PDF file formats. Our company uses windows 7 starter 32 bit operating […]
Hello techyv,
How can I possibly convert flash exe to mp3? I have some flash .exe files that need to be converted to mp3 format, can you share some licensed software that will allow the user to do the co […]
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