To install Windows XP, you must check if your hard disk drives are connected properly, to your motherboard or may be the CD installer of your Windows XP is not functioning at all. Make sure the […]
These two Anti-viruses are really good when it comes to your PC’s protection. But it always depends on the attacks of malware and viruses on your computer. Since it is for major usage for your c […]
An Active Directory acts as Windows, it can create a Windows domain in the network and can create a server through the location from the network administration and can assign a security policy for the […]
The Mother Board can supports Core i7 because the specification of your motherboard is P67/Z68 Series Motherboard (LGA 1155). So they are compatible with each other to your motherboard but it depen […]
The PowerPoint application can create or customize features for the interface.
Actually using Power point, it automatically formats the created data or can make a presentation, one can add […]