I am a newbie web developer and was wondering if someone will suggest me tools to get competition traffic for my website. Any kind of help would be appreciated.
I previously had Windows Live Messenger 2011 installed but it was sharing my problems and it wasn't that suitable, I removed it using Revo Uninstaller pro. I think Windows Smoldering C […]
Hello techyv!
The upgrading to Exchange ’10 on Server ’08 R2 is done by us to only one machine with no DAG. There are 100 email accounts with the combination of Windows and Mac users. Some of the Mac use […]
Hello TechyV buddies!
I am having some issue using Oracle. I was using BIDS(Visual Studio) 2008 R2 with Attunity Oracle Provider 1.1 (source SSIS component) against Oracle, Oracle Database 10g Enterprise […]
Hello TehyV buddies!
I am having some problem connecting to dial up connection. I am using Sony vaio ZVPCZ 128 GG laptop with windows 7 pro. And I am also using a 3g usb modem to connect. In the start, […]
Hi TechyV buddies!
I am having some problem with windows firewall. When I try to open windows firewall I get this error message:
There was an error opening the windows firewall with Advanced Security […]
Hello TechyV buddies!
I am having some problems that I encounter in JAVA script.
This is the error message that I encounter:
“Java(TM) Plug-in Fatal Error
Several Java Virtual Machines running i […]
What do you mean by scratch disc?
Furthermore, what should I do to get rid of this problem?
It is because the software is not allowing me to use it any longer.
The error: 'scratch […]
I have backed up my mails from Outlook Express. Those mails contain my 4 years of data and it stored as ‘DBX’ file. I am looking for help to convert these files to ‘PST’ files. So, I can see those m […]
While I was working with the NI 6587 FlexRIO Adapter Module during the simulation of the FPGA VI for a FlexRIO target, I got the message “LabVEIW FPGA: An internal software error in the LabVIEW FP […]
I am using a freeware version of Recuva and I'm finding it difficult to recover a file I accidentally deleted.
When I perform a scan it does recognize them, but I try to recover and get the fo […]
I am experiencing trouble in deleting the photos in iPhoto. I am an IMac 10.5 user and I have iPhoto 11. The problem is that since there are thousands of pics accumulated in the trash. The software […]
I experienced similar problem with my pc too. However, the solution offered was 100% working.
So techy.com has once again helped me 🙂 thanks to the expert for helping me.
Will it be possible to use smart phones as credit cards anywhere in the near future? With NFC enabled phones will it be possible to use our phones to pay for purchases and use it as a credit card?
Since last week, whenever I start up my computer, I keep getting a message saying that the computer is checking the 'file system'. What is the reason for this? Is it some sort of virus? (It has never h […]
Social Network like Facebook, twitter, Linkedin, Myspace, and many more have great influenced to many lives as it become a big source of communication for people around the world. What enhancements can […]
Is there a site that enables to view live real-time satellite feed of a certain location?
Rumored that IPad mini is to be launched this year but what feature will it do? And is this better that the current IPad? Will apple going to pursue creating iBoard and iMat? Just curious what do you […]
While I was trying to setup the Virtual DJ PRO with a typical installation then the setup process is ended without any specific error message. It is just saying the setup wizard ended prematurely because of an […]
What is a data warehouse and what are the points that I have to consider about data warehouse ?