I cannot play the League of legends on my PC as I face the following error – a DirectX error has occurred. Please help me to fix the error at the earliest as updating the driver did not help.
My hard disk is showing smart, hard disk error fix problem, and it is not opening. I haven’t done the backup, and now I have a question whether I will lose all my data how to recover it.
I have recently upgraded to Windows 8.1 and I installed Norton Antivirus for Security Purposes. I got to know there is Windows Defender in the System. When I tried to remove it from Program and Features from […]
I have CRT Samsung Sync Master Monitor. I am using it from past 2 years. It used to work fine but now the display goes off automatically and sometimes the colors are distorted and when I give a hard slap to my […]
I am an Indian and started a blog in Hindi on Blogger. I write philosophical, technical and political stuffs on my blog. A friend of mine suggested me to add Google AdSense to my blog to earn some money. I […]
I have an HP laptop having Windows 8 inbuilt. There were so many problems with it that I called up HP Customer care and asked for the solutions. All they could help is to tell me to refresh my PC. I was shocked […]
I use Macrium for back up. When I create an image of the 'partitions required to backup and restore Windows', does it include all the programs on it? I've installed several freeware, I have a l […]
My computer runs on Windows 7 64bit on an SSD drive. I bought another laptop and it has Windows 8.1 installed on it and I noticed that it has quick boot and shut down. I wonder, if I upgrade Win 7 to Win 8.1 […]
My phone was pre-installed with Dropbox but I don't know how to use it. All I know is that it's a cloud storage and sync service but what can it do for me? Can I instantly save and sync my photos and […]
I use LibreOffice in my Lenovo laptop and it worked perfectly until recently, it started to have issues saving a file. It locks up whenever I save a file regardless of its size. I tried deleting the old user p […]
I would like to update the software version of my car's TomTom GPS device. How would I know the current version and where can I find this information? The device is having a problem finding a GPS signal, […]
The coded UI Testing Tool references could not be found by my build which I have created in Visual Studio 2012. It built fine without any problem when I built the same solution from Visual Studio 2010. Someone […]
I have an iphone 4s and I have upgraded it to ios7. I've been trying to access the iCloud from my phone, but it's not allowing me. I'm getting an error that says 'unable to connect to […]
Hi there,
I have Asus Nexus 7 tablet which I am using to play Mp3 files via Google play Music which keeps on crashing, I have a good collection of Music in the cloud and when I click on the next button, […]
Hi there,
I got this message indicating an update had been downloaded to my Galaxy Tab 2 and were ready for installation, I accepted the update installation and then my trouble began, the Tablet indicates […]
Hi there,
I have an LG G2 Smartphone which is randomly going off when I surf the net using Chrome browser which is preinstalled on the device, when I use Opera mini browser which I downloaded from the […]
Hi there,
I have an Asus N55S Laptop which started having this problem of the touchpad freezing when the keyboard is in use, I am forced to restart the laptop to get the touchpad working. I have checked the […]
Hi there,
We were given these Galaxy Tab tablets at work and every time I try sending a message to non colleagues, a pop up message appears warning that this Tablet is for use only to contact employers and […]
Hi there,
I was playing on my HP Omini 220 desktop when I smelled burnt plastic, on investigation, I saw fumes of smoke coming from my Power Supply Unit, I quickly unplugged my computer from the wall […]
Hi there,
I have been using WiFi with TMAS GSM/GPRS TMA-M55i Modem and I have Ubuntu 13.10, internet surfing was awesome then suddenly the modem would get really hot and stop connecting until I reboot, I […]
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