Where can I find Google toolbar for Windows 7? How to install the toolbar and sync it? How to uninstall it?
I can login as the user in my SQL Server but I am unable to access the database. Whenever I try to access it the screen shows the Microsoft SQL server error 229 showing that the Select permission was denied. I […]
Recently XP PRO SP3 was crashed during installation. I used recovery console CD with my password. But it was inaccessible and told me to burn “chkdsk ISO image”. I know that chkdsk is a command prompt but don&# […]
I know that the cloud computing services provide platform as a service. But I don't understand how this model can create consumer software using tools and how it manage servers and storage. Please let me […]
Hello Experts!
Help please! I’m having difficulty in using audio mapping Windows 7. I’m not really familiar with the technicalities or troubleshooting of Windows 7. I’m not even sure where to start. […]
Hello expert, I have to ask a question on SQL server. Please can you help me about how to use UDP log in SQL server? If possible please send me some proper URL’s of suitable websites to get information about S […]
Hi greetings of the day, Why do people prefer blackberry phones.
Are all black berry phone (s) are smart phones.
Please let me find some blackberry phones .
That are built with smart phone technology.
Hello TechyV community of IT Experts and Computer Geeks!
I have IntelliJ IDEA 6 installed on my computer desktop. We know computer geeks that InttelliJ IDEA features the most intelligent Java IDE, providing […]
Hello and good day TechyV users, Friends and to the community.
We know that HTML5 is the fifth revision of the standard HTML and as of December 2012, it is a candidate a W3C Candidate recommendation. Now […]
I have a software. I want to make it like it will be shown as a .jpeg, jpg or gif file. If anyone open it, he/she will only watch the image but the software also will be opened. After a huge Google searching, I […]
Hi TechyV friends, pals and users!
My friend told me about the rank book. She said to me, this a cool and nice software. But unfortunately, I forgot where to download it. Here is my question, what is […]
Hi TechyV users!
Is there an available scripting reader VB tool for download? I really need it. If not, can some one help me how?
Kelly Abbrahamson
Hi guys!
I’m thinking to prepare an annual vacation excel planner. Can anyone suggest me any templates how to do it?Kelly Abbrahamson
Hello there,
I have near about 1000 pages of Office pdf documents. My boss asked me to convert them to html documents. Basically I have no idea how doing this.
So anybody has any idea about […]
Our local Government has a GIS site that requires Auto Desk Map viewer.
I use Mozilla as my internet browser. But Mozilla has never been able to download and run the Map Viewer.
Is there a […]
Hi techyv,
I cannot use my windows live mail Samsung galaxy. I installed a Windows live mail application in my Samsung galaxy S mobile phone device. It came up with some problem regarding the version and […]
Hi. Can you give me some idea what is ecommerce software link exchange? How is it done and what are the benefits if ever I will use this strategy? Is it reliable? Thanks.
I want to keep myself updated with new modules for zen cart. Can I update new modules for zen cart automatically?
I wanted to slow GIF speed using any image editing software. But it takes a lot of process to do so, manually editing each mainframe and layer. Is there a software that can automatically slow GIF speed?