How do I fix the error, modem error 651 windows 8. Please, tell me how do I get through this. I am not able to link my PC to the Internet.
Hi, I am using a Win 7 laptop which I had bought from my friend, he had five drives each of 55 GB approx. So I want to Merge Partition Windows 7 drives A and C to get an extra storage space. Please help how to do […]
I have currently installed VMware on my Windows PC. How can I use the VMware vCenter server 5.1 to enable better performance? Where can I get its documentation?
NVIDIA is indeed the king of graphic card. To get more information regarding on Nvidia Graphic card visit this Techyv link.
Which is the best graphics card for gaming?
I recently learned C # and I am interested in .Net, but I do not know where to start. I know .NET is just a bunch of libraries and can be used for web programming. I’m not quite sure I need to learn which areas of […]
Hi Mrs.Kamipopo
There are many ways to fix this issue. It is simple. To clear your browsing history, go to your browser's main menu and in the tools option, click on Tools and then choose clear rec […]
Hi guys, I have Microsoft surface pro tablet cum laptop and I'm keen to know how to use its stylus feature in documents to make notes as its very new to me I'm little bit afraid to explore features […]
Hi all,
When I am working around with layers, I am getting this error message. I do not understand the reasons for the error. The error triggered when I try to copy layers in the clipboard and it is not allowing […] -
Strange problem with my Adobe Photoshop, in color tab when input 255 in R an error with the Invalid numeric value. I have this error only in R color with G and B it works fine. It worked fine before, but now […] -
Hello All,
I am trying to upgrade to windows 7 from windows vista service pack 1 machine and I get an error message from PCmover stating that installation requirement of Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 is not […]