Why vlc media player is not storing all my recent opened media ? It was showing very old items, even on my brothers and cousins computer. So it is not a problem with my computer.
Opened Recent Midea error
When using M3U playlist, some special characters in file name are not read by VLC?
La lecture du fichier a echoue:
VLC n'a pas pu ouvrir le fichier .
Votre media d'entree ne […]
Ever been surfing the web in Internet Explorer with multiple tabs or windows open when suddenly you’re face-to-face with the following error message?
Internet Explorer
Internet Exp […]
Why do not exist HTML contains HTML++ and how can I solve it ?
For what “Boot to Gecko” doesn’t have much of a ring to it, Mozilla announced today that its upcoming phone OS will now be called “Firefox OS.” The new platform also has the backing of major over the world wid […]