Do the following steps to fix the error.
Reset the Illustrator preferences file.
Reset the plate menu option.
Use auto tracing preferences.
Quit illustrator and open ( User / [user] […]
You can fix the issue easily by the following steps.
Open SIGIL program.
Open your file with that program.
Right click the toc.xhtml page.
Select “semantic” then “table of […]
Follow the steps below to fix the issue.
Sign in to your account in Dropbox website.
In the left side list, click the album.
Select the images you want to delete.
A check mark will […]
Follow the steps below to fix the error. This error is might be caused by some third party plug-in.
Disable Google Nik plug-ins.
To turn off the third party plug-ins in Photoshop, you need to p […]
This type of error can caused by the “Force Conform” Follow the steps below to fix the issue.
Create a simple “Pillar box” mask.
Now go format > output > left/ right blanking.
Switch on […]
Follow the steps below to fix the issue.
Sing in to your Creative Cloud account.
Click the “Edit” .
Select “Manage Sync Settings”
Open “Sync settings preferences”
Now choose […]
You may have corrupt PNG file. Therefore to fix the error follow the steps below.
Open corrupted PNG file with “Microsoft Picture Manager”
“Micro soft Picture Manager” is a basic image […]
This type of issues are mostly related to Hard-disk problems. These issues also caused by the malware and Spyware.
You can fix it by following the steps below.
Run “Error checking tool” to scan the […]
This issue ca be fixed by several ways. For the easy and simple fix follow the steps below.
Click on “fix this program” link.
Open “file download” dialog box.
Now click on “Run”
You […]
There are many ways to solve the issue. One of those method is to use CCD. You need to enable CCD. For this purpose you need to follow the steps below.
Turn on CCD at Scene level.
To turn on […]
Take the following steps to fix the problem.
Check the “activity monitor”
You can find it in Utility folder under “Applications”
Open Activity Monitor.
Take a look in “Process Name” c […]
Do the following steps to fix the error.
Exit Photoshop.
Go to Applications > Utilities > terminal.
Open “terminal application.”
Type in the command shown in the […]
This error is belonged to Window script host. If the window Script Host is set as default, it would run any type of script in start up mode. There fore you need to disable the Window Script Host. Therefore […]
Do the following steps.
Make a copy for test class.
In Run configurations, go to “Run”
now you have to find the run configurations for both original and copied class, in J Unit
Right […]
Follow the steps below to fix the error.
Open Adobe Flex installation directory.
Go to SDK folder.
Now go to bin folder.
Here you will find a file adl.exe.
You have only to stop […]
Follow the steps below to fix the error.
Open Adobe Flex installation directory.
Go to SDK folder.
Now go to bin folder.
Here you will find a file adl.exe.
You have only to stop […]
You can fix this by the following steps.
Flush VDI after certain amount of data that you have written.
Configure it individually for each disk that is using the command, shown in the […]
This type of errors usually occurs when “iscobl liberary” is set to an invalid path or filename.
Follow the steps below.
Edit the launch configurations.
Click the “Classic path” t […]
Do the following steps to fix this error.
Run VB as administrator.
Right click on VB
Select “run as administrator”
Reboot the host OS
Try with fewer “virtual CPUs” starting […]
Follow the steps below to solve the issue.
Update your virtual box for each time.
Must reinstall “extension Pack”
For this purpose, download software from home page.
Go to global […]
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